How to Request Free Samples?

Free Samples before Placing an Order

We are happy to offer free samples for your review before any purchase. If your order does not match the quality of the approved samples, we guarantee a refund or return.

Here is how to request free samples step by step:

  1. Browse our website for products with a “Request Free Sample” button.
  2. Click the button to add the product to the sample list.
  3. Click the “heart icon” at the top right to access the sample list page.
  4. Fill out the form on the sample list page and submit it.
  5. Samples will be prepared and sent out via express within 3 business days.

Please Note:

  • Our sample request process allows customers to select up to 5 samples, with a limit of 5 units per sample.
  • The samples are free, but a flat rate shipping fee of $50 is required, regardless of the customer’s location.
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